whoop, dare it iz


jesus tap dancing christ. the world is fucking sick, or funny, or something. profound.

i have whooping cough. whooping cough! fucking ridiculous. very, how you say, not cool. i mean, it makes me look like an out of control freakdown, and no one could give a shit because i'm a stupid smoker in california, so they're all, "of course you're coughing, dumb ass, ha ha you're going to hell!"

i think jwalker (a recently diagnosed scoliosis-ite) and i need to start a support group for assholes with ailments of the nineteenth century. hey, can i wear a poofy wig?

what's to stop me from wearing one all the time, anyway?

woah, these are things to think about.

yeah, so anyway, i feel fine most of the time until i get some insane coughing attack and empty all the air out of my lungs. then i gasp for that sweet oxygen, which makes a little non-whoop whoop noise. but generally, because of self-esteem issues and blatant attempts to not draw attention to myself, i've been choking the cough down, leaving me with a silent stream of tears and an inability to speak for 2 minutes.

so, that's cool, right? i'm just sitting here crying like a jack ass.

oh my god! i just realized that many years ago i named my record label coughing freakdown records. premonition, hear me roar.

thank you diaryland.