elle est depart�e


dear adwhore readers,

i am greatly saddened to report that this diary is closed and the archives are locked. this internet space has been one of my great joys for the past 3 years, and i thank you for your insane love and support.

if you have me listed as a favorite or blog-rolled, you should have already received an email from me with my new diary address. if not, it was because i could not find an active email link on your site, because your site is passworded or just plain old human error.

please email me to receive the new site address. include your site address or something else personal for verification.

IF YOU KNOW ME IN REAL LIFE i request that you DO NOT pursue a search for my new journal. i guarantee that you and your business will not be discussed within its contents.

thanks and love and more thanks,


thank you diaryland.